Des Terres De L'Argentelle

Des Terres De L'Argentelle Berger Australien

Berger Australien

Berger Australien

Chiots nés le 17/02/2016

Les chiots

mind of conquest
mind of conquest mind of conquest mind of conquest mind of conquest

mind of conquest

Chiot n°917991 chiens-de-france

900 €

Mâle vendu

mâle noir tricolore
Magesty of your loving
Magesty of your loving Magesty of your loving Magesty of your loving

Magesty of your loving

Chiot n°917992 chiens-de-france

900 €

Mâle vendu

Mâle noir tricolore
Miracle of love
Miracle of love Miracle of love Miracle of love

Miracle of love

Chiot n°917993 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

Femelle bleu merle
Maybe for you
Maybe for you Maybe for you Maybe for you Maybe for you

Maybe for you

Chiot n°917994 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

Femelle bleu merle
Melody of your heart
Melody of your heart Melody of your heart Melody of your heart

Melody of your heart

Chiot n°917995 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

Femelle bleu merle
mystic legend
mystic legend mystic legend mystic legend

mystic legend

Chiot n°917996 chiens-de-france

1000 €

Femelle vendue

Femelle noir tricolore
Miss marvel
Miss marvel Miss marvel Miss marvel

Miss marvel

Chiot n°917997 chiens-de-france

1000 €

Femelle vendue

Femelle noir tricolore 5

Les parents